By thoughtful planning, preparation, evaluation, and response, I have successfully managed hundreds of crisis situations during my career.

Crisis Situations
- School lockdowns
- Threats and Rumors: school shootings, bomb threats, weapons on campus, and gang activity 
- Student death, suicide, homicide, medical/illness, and accident
- Staff death, suicide, homicide, medical/illness, arrests, convictions, employment termination and lawsuits 
- Environmental: inclement weather closures and delays, wildfires, smoke/air quality, extreme hot and cold weather
- Health and Safety: flu, RSV, COVID-19, pink eye, bed bug, lice, scabies, and pink eye
- Bus safety and vehicle collisions
- Pandemic response
- Staff member strikes
- Budget Cuts: staff layoff/reduction-in-force and program/school closure
- Reports of harassment, intimidation, bullying, and cyberbullying
- Board member deaths
- Kidnapping and attempted abductions of students
- Viral social media hoaxes and scams
- Facility Issues: power outages, broken pipes, theft, damage 
- Technology Issues: internet, phone, email, and student information system outages
- Student protests and walk-outs
- Animals and strangers on campus
- Registered sex offender alerts

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